So… here we are 4 – months on from the first day of lockdown.
The “Coronacoaster” has been an emotional rollercoaster that we have all had to try to deal with in many ways. I personally have had days where I’ve felt hopeful and positive, thinking about what the future could be to the next day when I’ve found myself drinking a bottle of wine, binge-watching a trashy boxset and eating crisps thinking what is it all for! (or at least I do)
Over the last few months we’ve been through a clear process. At first, stunned with the realisation and the gravity of the pandemic, we battened down the hatches and were quick to respond. Next, we made a clear plan about what was achieveable during lockdown. The final stages for us has been to fully accept the new normal. To realise that things are not gonig to be the same going forwards. At NB°C we will push on, re-imagine, re-define and adapt and we’re excited to see what we can achieve.
At NB°C a lot of thought has gone into what the future is going to look like, which I am sure we all have all spent time doing, and the conclusion is I think, that nothing is going to be the same. We have passed the point of no return and we now need to think about how we are going to adapt to a the new normal. At NB°C the idea of a new challenge and new way of doing things is at the core of what we are all about. With our ice cream products we have always taken the approach of “Done Different”.
Although it has obviously been a trying, testing and incredibly difficult time in many respects for the world, what is exciting is that out of this darkness, comes innovation and newness occurs. New markets, new products and new ways of communication all of which I am happy to say we have been on with and hence why we will be ok, perhaps delayed in some of our success but as I have always said the the magic of NB°C is all about the when not the if!!!!
For now, stay safe..