Becoming a Mental Health First Aider for NB°C
Last month, our Marketing and Sales Manager Shane levelled up his skills and became a Mental Health First Aider for NORTHERN BL°C. He shared with us his experience of the two day course —run by Mental Health First Aid England — and the importance of being informed when it comes to helping others.
Mental health has always been very important to me. Awareness on the topic has grown so much over the years; during this time I’ve sought out new and better ways to look after my own mental health as well as checking in with — and supporting — those around me.
When the opportunity to attend Mental Health First Aid England course came up, I knew it was a great chance to further my develop my understanding around mental health issues — as well as enabling me to identify some of the early signs. I felt that getting a deeper perspective and knowledge around mental health issues was essential to being able to make a real difference — which includes helping those who need it find professional help.
The course covered many key subjects including depression, suicide, substance misuse, anxiety disorders, self-harm, eating disorders and psychosis. Our course leader, Harry Corin, is an expert in the field. Being that the course covers very sensitive topics, his caring and informed nature meant that he was the perfect person to lead it; at all times, I felt comfortable and assured that the content was being carefully handled and shared.
Overall, the course was very insightful, emotional and engaging. I love listening to people — and more often than not, people just need the space to express their feelings. This course has allowed me to process shared information in a new light — and manage it in a way that’s supportive and considered when it comes to the individual’s needs. I’m proud to have received my certification straight away and can begin to bring new insights and learnings to the team at NB°C.
It’s so important that organisations and brands take mental health in the workplace seriously — just as you would with physical injuries. Having completed the course, I highly advise that as many people as possible take it too. More Mental Health First Aiders out there means we’re all more equipped to take better care of one another — and see the signs of those struggling, even sooner.